National Manufacturing SME

Empowering Manufacturing SMMEs for National Economic Transformation and Societal Prosperity !

Small Manufacturing Enterprise mean an enterprise with 11 (eleven) up to 50 (fifty) permanent employees and a total asset worth between Birr 600,001(six hundred thousand one)  and 10,000,000 (ten million) however, if there is ambiguity between human resource and total  assets, a total asset shall prevail; currently there are 8,574  small manufacturing enterprises operating in Ethiopia

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Medium Manufacturing Enterprise mean an Enterprise with 51 (fifty one) up to 100  (one hundred) permanent employees and a total asset worth between Birr 10,000,001 (ten million one) and 90,000,000 (ninety million) however, if there is ambiguity between human resource and  total assets, a total asset shall prevail. Currently there are 4,177 Medium Manufacturing Enterprises operating in Ethiopia.

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