
Empowering Manufacturing SMEs for National Economic Transformation and Societal Prosperity !

About us

Ethiopian Enterprise Development established in 1942 to enable the development of manufacturing enterprises to be led at the national level and to enable the sector to play its role in the development of the national economy.

In these more than 80 years, the institution is a leading institution in creating and expanding modern national production and business thinking, creating and expanding manufacturing industries from indigenous handicraft products to modern production machines that are “first” in our country, and creating many national investors.

In order to fulfill its mission to support the development of small and medium manufacturing enterprises, the institute is coordinating the capacities of regional, city governments and stakeholders to provide manufacturing enterprises with financial, technological and training support. In addition to making them create input and market linkages, it also helps to develop cluster centers and infrastructure for them.

Various policies and strategies to make the business environment conducive and supports can be provided in a consistent manner; Regulations; Guidelines; Develops support and operational frameworks; Various support is provided for them to exist and improve.

As of June 2023, there are more than 12,751 small and medium manufacturing enterprises in our country, of which 8,574 are small
manufacturing enterprises and 4,177 are medium manufacturing enterprises owned by 26,862 Entrepreneurs.

These manufacturing enterprises are generating more than 33 million dollars in exports on average every year. In addition, they are making a significant contribution to the national economy by substituting $2 billion worth of income every year.

Director General's Message

Expanding the development of manufacturing enterprise is essential to put Ethiopia’s economy on a strong base and to insure a fair distribution of wealth.

From this point, our institution is providing various supports for small and medium-sized enterprises to be created, strengthened and transferred to the next level. Through these efforts, we are creating enabling conditions for the development of the sector by strengthening the manufacturing sector through financial, technological and production cluster centers provision, input and market linkages, training, industrial extension and business development services.

In order to implement these favorable conditions consistently, we have been able to create a strong development of the manufacturing sector by preparing various support and operational frameworks, guidelines and regulations and by strengthening the structure in various ways so that the development of the sector can be done effectively.

We respectfully request that all Ethiopians to support us to take these results to a higher level and to achieve the efforts we have started!

Alebachew Nigussie Shewarega (Ph.D)
Director General of Ethiopian Enterprise Development


• To ensure the expansion and strengthening of manufacturing SMEs and support the efforts to ensure fair distribution of wealth and resources; by doing so establish the base for large manufacturing industries

•Provide support to enable enterprises to be effective and competitive through developing and administering infrastructures needed to strengthen and expand manufacturing enterprises



The mission entrusted upon EED is generally to create a favorable environment for the sector’s development; through building the capacity of key role players, developing infrastructures, enhancing the coordination and collaboration of stakeholders, and providing comprehensive support to manufacturing SMEs to expand, strengthen, and enhance their competitiveness. 


Increasing the contribution of the small and medium manufacturing enterprise development sector to the Ethiopian Economy.

Powers and duties of EED

EED shall have the following Powers and Duties:

1/ Make policy, strategy, program and project recommendations to the Ministry that help expedite the development of enterprises and transformation; upon approval of same, the Development shall embark on implementation; 

2/ Prepare support frameworks, procedures and plans that help the development of enterprises; and shall implement and coordinate implementation of same; 

3/ Ensure bottlenecks that hinder the competitiveness and effectiveness of enterprises, especially enterprises engaged in import substitution or export production, are identified and overcome;  

4/ Engage in investment promotion of the sector in order that citizens will engage in Enterprises and provide support so citizens will establish their own Enterprises; 

5/ Build the capacities of Regional Institutions, stakeholders, employees and sectoral associations that support and coordinate the development of enterprises; shall work in integration with other Institutions working on capacity building; 

6/ Coordinate the efforts of support providing institutions that assist with training, research and development, finance, manufacturing equipment’s, technology, consultancy services, working premises and infrastructure, inputs, market networking and other similar supports to enterprises where the support is based on gaps and growth level;

7/ In collaboration with the Ministry, provide and make available as well as coordinate industrial extension services that enable the development and productivity of enterprises and coordinate such support; 

8/ Identify, formulate and scale up best practices from within the country and abroad which will help in expediting the Enterprises Development and which assist in competitiveness; 

9/ Ensure that project profiles, model business plans and specifications beneficial to enterprises are prepared and distributed to users; 

10/ Provide trainings to Enterprises and citizens interested in joining the sector using infrastructures in the possession of the institution; Shall develop spare parts and prototypes of products and technology that are problem solving; Shall transfer proto types through trainings and provide support to citizens that come up with innovative ideas to realize those ideas to actual products; shall work in coordination with the concerned bodies. 

11/ Culture of Enterprises would develop and hence secure financial loan and lease as working capital and manufacturing equipment; shall, in collaboration with concerned organs, establish a system of alternative financial sources for Enterprises. 

12/ Shopping structures with appropriate infrastructure to be used by enterprises in the regions; 

13/ Design and apply ways in which enterprises are interconnected and linked with large manufacturing Enterprises, other institutions and companies in terms of inputs, market and technology; 

14/ Organize nationwide, Regional and International exhibitions; shall facilitate so that Regions and Private Institutions Organize exhibitions separately and jointly; shall provide support so that Enterprises will participate on local and international exhibitions; 

15/ Work with concerned bodies so that research-based incentive systems are in placed to encourage the competitiveness of Enterprises and promote citizens to join the sector; shall ensure its implementation; 

16/ Work in collaboration with concerned Institutions to establish and operationalize one stop service centers for Enterprises;

17/ Facilitate standards to be established and certificate of competence is issued to quality manufactured by enterprises; 

18/ Shall enter into products cooperation agreement with local and Foreign Governmental and non-Governmental Institutions of similar objectives to support Enterprises; shall work for implementation of the cooperation; 

19/ Work for the development of information communication technologies that are helpful for growth of the sector; shall organize, analyze and disseminate data using modern technology; 

20/ support and monitor enterprises to meet the requirements set for environmental protection; 

21/ Collect income from services it provides in accordance with a Regulation to be issued by the Council of Ministers; 

22/ Support the development and transition of micro manufacturing enterprises in collaboration with Ministry of Labor and Skills; shall emplace appropriate systems; 

23/ Own properties, enter into contracts, sue and be sued; 

24/ Engage in other related activities that help in meeting its objectives.